Happy Holidays
Dear Colleagues:
As the year winds down, it's appropriate for us to take a look at where we are, what we're doing, and what we would like to do in the future. Do we need to reinvent ourselves? Do we still love (not just like) what we're doing? Do we still have the passion for what we're doing? These are important questions—they need answers if we are to avoid "burn-out," or even worse, depression.
I have begun to create a new strategy for LawBiz® for '08, to plan several projects that were not even on my horizon a few short months ago, and to continue doing the coaching and consulting that I love so much. Yes, I'm even listening to my wife's passion for our Airstream. We're planning several trips for '08...Look for us because one of my dreams is to drive across country and work with lawyers in each of our destination points. If you know now that you would like to participate, send me a note with your town/city so I can include you in our planning. And if you're a cyclist, let me know—I will have my bike with me!
As the poem goes, "No man is an island..." I could not do what I do, whether it be coaching, writing or presenting, without you. I want to thank you for your kind support over the years and for taking the time to read my thoughts about The Business of Law®. My intent is to provide practical guides to you so that you can achieve the profit you deserve for practicing law as a loving and caring provider who deals with the challenges and needs of your clients.
Best wishes to you and your entire family for a happy and healthy holiday season.

