It's time to make travel plans for October. I'll be crisscrossing the country, from Los Angeles to Chicago to New York to San Jose and back to Los Angeles. Somewhere in between, I'll insert a cycling camp ... and my wife has a short Airstream trip planned.
After owning my Porsche 911 Cabriolet for 30 years, I finally joined the PCA (Porsche Club of America) allegedly the largest car club in the world with over 100,000 members. They're having a major rally adjacent to Los Angeles. October will be a busy, but exciting, month!
If you are near my travels, please join me for breakfast. Send me an email:
Chicago - Thursday, October 3
New York City - Monday, October 7
San Jose, CA - Saturday, October 12
Buellton, CA - Friday, October 18
Also, see our new coaching program. Learn more.
You Are What Your Advertising Says You Are
Some lawyers, law firms and Bar Associations still look askance at advertising. These are thankfully more in the minority. Most in the profession see nothing wrong with lawyers seeking out those who can best use their services and describing those services to them. Of course, it is necessary to regulate for truth and fairness in promotional statements, and to restrict hyperbole so as not to create false expectations. But framing the communication should be up to the lawyer.
There are ways to be memorable and differentiated from other lawyers and these can be embodied in your advertising. If the statements in it are truthful and avoid misrepresentation, your ad content should convey a message that is memorable and differentiates you from other lawyers. In this regard, lawyers are no different from others who do the same type of promotion. So far as the ultimate concern of the client - and legal ethics - the quality of legal service and not the degree of salesmanship and promotion is what's important. In this regard, your advertisement should above all create a message and emotions that encourage others to make contact with you. Your ad should answer the fundamental questions that potential clients would raise. Who are you? What do you stand for? What would it be like to work with you as a lawyer? What common ground do you have with your clients, over and above their legal matters?
Ultimately, because your goal is to be working with those who see your advertisement, you want to create the impression that they will be dealing with a reasonable and likeable individual. Potential clients want to empathize with their lawyer, so your ad must give them the basis to create that empathy. Specifics about the way you approach your practice are essential for doing this. Make sure your advertisement specifies where you are located, the specific type of service you provide and how in a general way you charge for them ("no fee for an initial consultation," for example).
Remember that it's essential for any lawyer who advertises to integrate ads with the full range of online marketing tools. It is counterproductive and a waste of money to build silos. Ensure that your print and broadcast advertising make note of your website, and whether you can be found on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Through such specific content and tactics, your ads will be designed to encourage potential clients to contact you. If they have a need, they will seek to learn whether the firm's skills match their needs. In the end, the decision is that of an educated buyer, one educated by the firm's advertising.
1 book and 3 DVDs package
$199 until Oct 1 (reg. $296)
To Order: 1-800-837-5880 or order online at
Exit Strategy: Selling & Other Strategies to Leave the Practice of Law reveals insider information that is sure to go a long way to help achieve optimal results while transitioning out of the practice of law. (audio excerpt available!)
And, Life After Law: What Will You Do with the Next 6,000 Days? provides career advice on what is necessary and advisable to personally and professionally transition out of the practice. - Learn more.
"Whether you have spent decades in the legal profession, or entered it as a second or even third career, transitioning out of a law practice takes a good deal of thought and action. This book gives lawyers a road map to take the next steps, with stops along the way that we can consider as well. Life After Law fills a gap in career advice literature by telling lawyers what is necessary and advisable to personally and professionally transition out of the practice. It is essential information for all generations of lawyers."
What Clients Are Saying:
"I requested that (my partners) allow me to take on the management of the firm and suggested the creation of a business plan.... (Our practice) is a successful practice, but in dire need of a direction -- and a business plan. They agreed to give me a shot and entertain a rough outline of my ideas. I was shocked when they agreed, but then horrified at the task before me. However, sitting on my shelf is "The Business of Law" that I purchased from you a few years ago. I began to read it and a whole new world has opened up for me. I just wanted to express my gratitude to you for writing the book... I am excited about the opportunity I have and just wanted to let you know that I appreciate all you do for the field."
CD Pleasanton, CA
"I was an associate at a large national law firm and I felt "stuck," but I didn't know how to market myself to clients or to other firms. Ed's focus on the business side of the law firm provided a solid grounding for me to evaluate my current situation and a platform from which I could start growing my own practice. In many ways, working with Ed is like working with a therapist. Part of my coaching process with Ed has been getting to understand more thoroughly my strengths and weaknesses as both a marketer and as a lawyer. After working with Ed for six months, I was ready to market myself to other firms: I developed a clearly articulated set of objectives and Ed has gave me the tools that I needed to increase my exposure. Today, I am working for a law firm that provides better opportunities for my professional growth."
CH San Francisco, CA