As I've mentioned on more than one occasion, I believe in the coaching process so much that I've had my own business coach for more than 10 years. He has helped me to new levels of success that I would not have reached without him. At the beginning of the year, he sends me a list of opportunities to meet with him and others with whom he is engaged, letting me know that I can enhance my normal interaction with him in a number of ways. I thought I'd do the same with you.
Here are two new opportunities to grow your practice. One of them is by buying my newest book, The Secrets of The Business of Law®, 2nd ed. There is a pre-publication special half price offer. Only $24.50 plus shipping (and tax if you're in CA). This is a steal as the book has been updated and expanded substantially.
Then, seriously consider our LawBiz® Practice Management Institute to be held in Santa Monica on April 20/21. This high level, personal and interactive Institute will be limited to only 20 individuals! The first six will have the added benefit of dinner with me and their colleagues on Thursday evening. The Summit is designed to move your practice to an increased level of success. See more information at
I'm looking forward to a great new year ... and I hope you are as well. |
Ask Yourself, Will You Be Successful in 2012?
Measuring Your Professional Success
The start of a new year is a good time to assess how one measures professional success. The answer, of course, depends on your definition of "success." No matter what your definition, it must be measurable, so you know if you have achieved it. Percentage revenue increase or number of prospects contacted or number of hours devoted to marketing efforts are measures of "success" that have greater meaning than "more revenue" or "better marketing," which set a subjective standard that is difficult to discuss, let alone measure.
How to Measure Your Success
There is, of course, danger in fixating too much on numbers. For many years, I thought "success" was how much money one earned each year. But as a practicing lawyer handling divorces, I saw clients who earned more than I, were perceived as "successful," yet had a net worth less than mine. Then, as a coach and consultant to lawyers and law firms, I saw that lawyers in large firms, especially equity partners, were also often not the successes I envisioned them being, even with the power of a large organization to help achieve their goals. Eventually I recognized and accepted that success in my life and career had to meet my own definitions.
Setting Up a Framework
So, how to set the standards for that definition? The following suggestions sketch a framework for concrete achievement that anyone can modify according to individual circumstances. How many of them fit your definition of success?
Do you have goals for the coming year, and can you measure against those goals to determine whether you achieve them?
What worked well for you last year and what can you learn from last year that can be applied to this year?
How can you systematize your practice to make it more efficient? Are there ways that you can create a methodology that can be implemented time after time, without deviation, to give you a consistently successful result without having to re-invent the wheel?
What can you do to enhance and expand your skills and those of the people who work with you? Have you identified the new skills which can lead to increased efficiency, and thus will assure greater profits and business longevity?
Who will make sure that you are accountable? Will it be your partners, staff, spouse ... or a coach? The right coach brings certain advantages: experience as a lawyer in practice management issues that you face or will face, the independence to hold you accountable, time to focus on your issues, and a willingness to be candid with you. A coach can help ensure you are willing to do what is required to reach the level of success you envision and are prepared to accept this success - if you commit yourself to the process to achieve it.
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new LawBiz® store at
25% New Year Discount:
As our gift to you, use the coupon code:
to receive a
25% discount on orders over $75
on all items in our store.
Choose from Books, CDs & Audio, DVDs, Virtual Seminars, Packages, and more.
This discount is good through January 31, 2012.
What Clients Are Saying:
"Ed educated me on how to implement a plan for the management of my law offices, which I have set up in Santa Monica. With his help, I was able to conceive and put into effect a business plan which promises not only to simplify my business, but to make it more profitable as well. He readily pinpointed my needs and offered sage advice on what I could do to rectify the problems that I have been facing. For this, I am forever grateful and will highly recommend him to anyone who asks."
MG Santa Monica, CA
"I decided to "go solo" and start my own practice after being a senior associate at a large national law firm. I started in temporary office space with a secretary and one associate attorney. I retained Ed Poll to provide comprehensive consulting and guidance in establishing my permanent office. He knew from day one how to re-shape my thinking from being a day-to-day lawyer into being in charge of a business. Ed knew the right questions to make me answer. Ed has taught me virtually everything I know about formation, planning, and now management of a successful law firm. I would enthusiastically recommend Ed Poll for retention as a consultant in connection with any aspect of law practice management."
RJM Los Angeles, CA