Lawyers have achieved scholastic success that most people envy. We learned early in school, however, that such achievements, by themselves, cannot make one a good person, ethically or financially successful.
A metaphor for this phenomenon was featured this last weekend when four of ostensibly the best teams in professional football gave forth. Each of the four had won one or more Super Bowl games in the last 10 years. Yet only two had the culture, the skill, the willpower to reach the highest level this year. There is more than textbook success to reach "success." Some call it luck ... some say it's where perseverance and learning meet opportunity.
Consider how you approach your practice ... as a "worker-bee," always too busy to raise your head and look at your opportunities, or as an entrepreneur focused on solving people's problems.
Start the New Year Right: Special for January One-time coaching session with me AND a copy of my book Life After Law (see below).
Eying New Clients: The Lawyer As Private Eye
A little detective work will go a long way toward finding out about new clients. John Grisham and Scott Turow and others have written wonderful thrillers about the legal profession, so why can't you and your colleagues become sleuths in a business fashion? Arming yourself with information will help ensure that you can offer appropriate legal services and receive full and timely payment in return.
The best possible way to understand the client's business is to visit at the client's place of business. Not only does this ingratiate you to the client, but it also gives you an amazing opportunity to snoop in order to find problems of a legal nature as well as problems with the client's credit.
While you are getting your personal tour of the plant, scan the inventory and pick up the names of suppliers. The client will give you as references the names of the vendors that they always pay on time. You want to know how the other vendors are treated.
Look at the physical condition of the business. Is the building in good condition? Do the employees look busy? Does the work seem orderly? Are people standing around? Are employees wearing appropriate safety devices? These visual signals can give you clues about the viability of the business while also helping you advise the client on legal matters. Does the company, for example, want to hear about safety issues from your plant tour or from the OSHA supervisor who is following up on a complaint?
Another good way to find out about a client's business is to simply ask questions. Clients love to be the experts, so ask them about the processes you are seeing. And while the client is explaining the ins and outs of his business, he is also telling you exactly what you want to know about how the business is doing, who the competition is, and what the future looks like for the company.
New Year's Special!
For the lawyer in your life, start the year right.
To Order: 1-800-837-5880 or order online at
Special one-time coaching session with Ed (normally available only as part of the full six-month package) and a copy of Life After Law.
Note: This is a one-time offer with limited availability. First come, first serve.
About Ed:
- Lifetime Achievement Award, State Bar of California (LPMT)
- Fellow, College of Law Practice Management
- Board Certified Coach to the Legal Profession, SAC
- Member of the Million Dollar Consulting. Hall of Fame
- Learn more About Ed, his Coaching Program and his Books & CDs
"I worked with Ed for a year while working to become a partner in my law firm. With Ed's coaching, I was able to achieve that goal at the end of the year. Through his coaching techniques, Ed showed me how to communicate assertively and confidently with the partners I needed to persuade to vote for my promotion into the partnership and to convince them of my abilities. I can honestly say that without Ed's help, I would not have made such an excellent impression on my partners."
"I'm gradually learning, through my weekly coaching sessions, how to get in touch with what I like to think of as my 'inner Ed.' With 'Ed in my head' between coaching sessions, I have been able to negotiate better fees and attract more work and a higher quality clientele. With Ed as my ally, the stress of being a sole practitioner is greatly reduced."
AS New York