Some time ago, I wrote of two contrary financial systems for law firms. The first model represented full transparency. In other words, this model provides full and complete financial information to the members (attorneys) of the law firm. The second model is a closed system, in which all financial information is retained within the hands of a select few people.
Recently, each of these systems has come under scrutiny. For example, Jones Day has retained a closed system. Generally speaking, members of the firm do not know what other members are earning, nor do they know how profitable the firm is. Other law firms, such as K & L Gates LLP, are very open in the presentation of their financial information. Some of the law firms in this latter category have been motivated by the fiasco of Dewey LeBoeuf and the collapse of a number of large firms in the same category.
Many current thinkers conclude that it is better to be open and aboveboard with your members as well as prospective lateral partners. In today's world, the words law and business are used in the same sentence, contrary to 1995, when The Business of Law® became my trademark. Talking about money is no longer taboo. Additionally, the legal press obtains key financial information from many of the large law firms. In many cases, the Am Law publications that focus on the data act almost as a stock exchange, with prospective lateral partners looking to this information before any other. Under these circumstances, it appears quite appropriate for law firms to have financial transparency. An open and candid approach to business can only result in greater support from all members. Not only will these members seek to do better on an everyday basis, but they are likely to pull together to ride out the worst in times of crisis.
Open Book Management: Law As Business
Open book management, when successfully implemented, teaches people to think as business-people, not as hired hands. The impact of this switch in thinking is enormous.
Most lawyers prefer to "practice law." They want to do the research, prepare and conduct the trial, conduct the negotiations, and perform other elements of the practice. Lawyers are typically not enthusiastic about marketing their services or handling any of the other myriad business activities needed to run a law practice. Why, then, should lawyers be concerned about the financial side of the practice? Why should lawyers care about the open book management theory?
The answer is simple: If more lawyers conducted themselves not just as lawyers but as businesspeople or as owners of the practice, the law firms would more likely experience the same type of success as businesses in other industries.
Focus groups conducted by the state bar of California and other organizations have highlighted clients' opinions that lawyers are arrogant, fail to understand the simplest of business principles in the operation of their own law practices, and do not practice the simplest of courtesies required by any successful business (an awareness and appreciation of the consumer's (i.e., client's) concerns and needs). All of these shortcomings are examples of lawyers who are not acting as business-people, and opening the firm's management is one good way to turn things around.
Traditionally, law firms have been reluctant to disclose information to anyone. An element of fear surrounds this information — fear that if associates know too much, they might steal clients and open up their own firms, or fear that the staff might "sell the firm out" by trading confidential information with a competing law firm.
This fear is usually unfounded. In most cases, the associates and staff generally know how a firm is performing even though they may not know the exact financial information. They know whether the firm is successful or is struggling to meet its obligations; they know whether the industry considers the firm a leader in its field or a "me too" operation; and they know whether people feel pride and joy in working at the firm. These are not secrets or knowledge requiring an advanced business degree.
In reality, law firm management's reluctance to open the firm's information banks creates a lack of trust by its employees, and that lack of trust creates a vicious circle in which neither staff nor management trusts the other.
A classic negotiating principle taught to business students is to get the other side to sit shoulder-to-shoulder with them so that both are on the same side of the table rather than face-to-face in a confrontational style. Similarly, in running a law firm like a business, if management can get the associates and staff to look at the firm in the same light as the firm's management, trust will be established, and the firm's chances of success will be improved.
How to Open the Firm
The following are some practical suggestions for opening the management of the firm:
Long-lasting improvement can come only from the commitment of everyone in the firm. Having everyone in the firm behave as a businessperson will have the greatest long-term impact of any management theory. Although no single approach can be a panacea for all ills, opening the management of the firm to greater awareness and understanding will go a long way toward inspiring more of the firm's personnel to "pull in the same direction," unifying the law firm and allowing the firm to reach greater heights of success and prosperity.
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